Thursday, November 02, 2006


nablopomo - It's national blog posting month. The idea behind this is to post every day in November. Okay, I've missed a day, but technically somewhere in Canada it is still November 1st and to my credit, I only found out about this right now. I have decided that I will take part in nablopomo here rather than myspace. That way I can write about anything including random crap that I really don't care if people read or not and it will be a good jump start for this blog. Maybe if I actuall write something that isn't completely lame, I will actually tell people about this blog. Oh, but then there may be pressure to actually write something that isn't crap. I may have to rethink this...

EDITED: for the record, I'm not actually a "registered" participant of nablopomo. I have sent an email in hoping to have my blog added (crap, people might actually come looking!) but I may have missed the deadline. I am having math issues right now what with the time change last weekend...grrr

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