Monday, November 20, 2006


in other words, I don't have any from the past 5 seconds. I signed in knowing what I was going to write about and now I've forgotten...oh wait I know...
007! Went to see Casino Royale, Royal? I don't know, anyway went to go and see it. (and it's Royale...figured it was, should have gone with my first guess..oh wait I did, didn't I) Personally, I didn't think it was half bad. It entertained me, I didn't think "OMG when is this going to end" (and it was a looonnng movie) but admittedly I did sleep through part of it. Okay, it wasn't even in the middle. I was so tired from the night before and we had just finished Indian Buffet so I was sooo tired and slept straight through the previews and the beginning of the movie. Good thing that I only missed action and didn't really need it for the gist of the story line, or at least that's what I'm telling myself :)

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