Thursday, December 28, 2006


so, in light of the earthquake that occured on Tuesday people have been wondering if I'm okay. Well, yes I am thanks! Even though the earthquake apparently "was felt throughout Taiwan" I didn't feel it, nor did anyone I talked to around here. In fact, I didn't even know about it until I read on a message board someone asking if I was okay. I did feel one on Saturday though. Maybe more because of was at a friends apartment on the 16th floor of the building, but regarless, I felt that one. Didn't seem to make any news though. I guess I only feel the weenie ones.

1 comment:

joanh said...

hi tobi! thanks for dropping by my site. i will definitely try the poutine at citizen cain. i felt the earthquake and the aftershock and was a tiny bit scared though i am used to the earthquakes here.. but i think you're right- the higher you are, the more you'd feel it.. i had a lot of friends who didn't feel it either.