Saturday, October 22, 2005

Bathrooms suck!!

Yes, it's true, they do. Got locked in mine today so I know what a scary place they can be (yes I made it out okay, I don't keep my computer in my bathroom, as convenient as that would be). Finished my shower and went to open the door and it wouldn't open. Okay, so I turned a bit more and the doorknob came off! I tried to put it back on but it looks like it rusted way too much to make any difference. So here I am stuck. Admittedly I started to panic a little. I can't jump out my window, for one thing probably too small and for another, it wouldn't do me any good as it is really far onto plexiglass and into the abyss of my apartment with concrete walls and nothing to climb (that fell down in the typhoon) Luckily my door has a window in it and as pretty as it was, it's now a broken mess. Really my only way out! Now I have to get that point across to my landlord which I am thinking might be a little difficult as he doesn't speak any English. Hopefully he won't be too upset but seriously, I was shitting myself! Good thing I was in a bathroom I suppose but have now realized the downside to not having a roommate. Not that this experience is going to make me go out and get one. So I'm out, bathrooms are scary and I will be fixing mine before I go back in it. Good thing it's the weekend :)

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