It's wait, it's not raining, it's fucking pouring! I could be cleaning, but it's raining. I could be doing stuff for work, but it's raining. Why is it when it rains, I let myself have the excuse to do nothing.
I guess my night of drunkeness and my day of sleeping hasn't really helped my motivation at all has it.
Sunday, August 27, 2006
a little lame, a little rain
Saturday, August 26, 2006
life that is work
it has been a crazy month. So much stuff I haven't done yet. We just got new assessment forms for raises at our company. They are completely complicated and stupid but the one thing that is definately new is that as older staff, we have to set professional development goals for us to complete in six months. Now, at first I thought this was a shit idea...what the hell! My job used to be so easy and now they actually want me to do stuff??!!! But after today, I realized I need to set myself some goals. Even if I am only here for another six months. My time management is shit and I'm lazy in my job. I do the least that I can to get by and it is really bad! I always have so much Head teacher stuff to do and I never get around to doing it. I have this weird little thing where I don't actually like people to see me doing work. It's the same as cleaning my house, if I have roommates, I WILL NOT clean when they are around. Everyone has to be gone, I have to by myself for me to do anything. Why is that? I think I am totally fucked in the head somedays.
Friday, August 11, 2006
yeah, so that last post was suppose to have pictures and be this really cool little format...I uploaded the pictures but I have no idea what happened to them. Another thing for me to figure out on this blogger space's not nearly as easy as myspace. Guess it just takes practice....but midnight is not the time to be fooling with all of that right now.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Taichung Baby
So we went to Taichung this weekend. I have been there one other time and it was a lot of fun. Well, I learned a lot about it this weekend, namely the fact that I'm probably never going back.
First fun fact - The Aloha bus is the only way to travel. Way faster than the train, and you get to ride in comfort, watch movies or play video games...
The greatest ride ever, I am seriously tempted to just ride it down to Kaoushung for a weekend and then come right back haha.
Fun fact two - I hate house parties. I have no photo documentation of this because I hate them so much. Especially when you don't know anyone and you have to take off your shoes and oh crap, you just bought new suade shoes that day that turned your feet black...yeah, fun! Didn't find out until later that my friend Ivy washed her feet in the bathroom when she got there. I don't think it would have worked with mine anyway, they are still slightly blue.
Fun fact three - Aston Mini's rock and I love the fact that they are all over Taiwan..they are sort of like Beetles in Canada.
Fun fact four - Doremon stamps are dangerous when in the wrong hands
Their hands are still that blue today.....
Fun fact five - glow bracelets rock, even if I am the only one that thought so (I kept stealing them from the bar, I thought I was pretty brave, but I'm pretty sure I was allowed to take them so I guess it doesn't really count)
Fun fact six - Goodbye Ki and Ivy, see you in Vancouver!!
Fun fact seven - always trust your good friends, they will never lead you astray....
Fun fact eight - always trust your new friends - they are just along for the ride
Fun fact nine - never trust your fucking evil friends -
they screw you over and steal your camera when you are completely drunk after going to an all you can drink joint and drinking white russians that I'm pretty sure weren't white at all, just russian. And not even a proper Russian...baileys, cream de cafe, vodka and god knows what else they were putting in my drink...they take pictures of you after you have puked down a sewer drain and passed out in the middle of the road....
(this picture has been deleted for the fact that people do not need to see me passed out in a gutter surrounded by my loving and caring friends.)
I keep forgetting that I'm not still 21....
***the pictures are all a little out of whack in this post...since it's in my archives, I'm not going to worry about it right now.